Tuesday, October 30, 2012

coach Chapter 144 The Seagull and the Kite A SEAGULL having bolted down too large a fish

Chapter 144 The Seagull and the Kite
A SEAGULL having bolted down too large a fish, burst its deep gullet-bag and lay down on the shore to die. A Kite saw him and exclaimed: “You richly deserve your fate; for a bird of the air has no business to seek its food from the sea.”
Every man should be content to mind his own business.
Chapter 145 The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury
A PHILOSOPHER witnessed from the shore the shipwreck of a vessel, of which the crew and passengers were all drowned. He inveighed against the injustice of Providence, which would for the sake of one criminal perchance sailing in the ship allow so many innocent persons to perish. As he was indulging in these reflections, he found himself surrounded by a whole army of Ants, near whose nest he was standing. One of them climbed up and stung him, and he immediately trampled them all to death with his foot. Mercury presented himself, and striking the Philosopher with his wand, said, “And are you indeed to make yourself a judge of the dealings of Providence, who hast thyself in a similar manner treated these poor Ants?’
Chapter 146 The Mouse and the Bull
A BULL was bitten by a Mouse and, angered by the wound, tried to capture him. But the Mouse reached his hole in safety. Though the Bull dug into the walls with his horns, he tired before he could rout out the Mouse, and crouching down, went to sleep outside the hole. The Mouse peeped out, crept furtively up his flank, and again biting him, retreated to his hole. The Bull rising up, and not knowing what to do, was sadly perplexed. At which the Mouse said, “The great do not always prevail. There are times when the small and lowly are the strongest to do mischief.”
Chapter 147 The Lion and the Hare
A LION came across a Hare, who was fast asleep. He was just in the act of seizing her, when a fine young Hart trotted by, and he left the Hare to follow him. The Hare, scared by the noise, awoke and scudded away. The Lion was unable after a long chase to catch the Hart, and returned to feed upon the Hare. On finding that the Hare also had run off, he said, “I am rightly served, for having let go of the food that I had in my hand for the chance of obtaining more.”
Chapter 148 The Peasant and the Eagle
A PEASANT found an Eagle captured in a trap, and much admiring the bird, set him free. The Eagle did not prove ungrateful to his deliverer, for seeing the Peasant sitting under a wall which was not safe, he flew toward him and with his talons snatched a bundle from his head. When the Peasant rose in pursuit, the Eagle let the bundle fall again. Taking it up, the man returned to the same place, to find that the wall under which he had been sitting had fallen to pieces; and he marveled at the service rendered him by the Eagle.
Chapter 149 The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter
A VERY POOR MAN, a Carpenter by trade, had a wooden image of Mercury, before which he made offerings day by day, and begged the idol to make him rich, but in spite of his entreaties he became poorer and poorer. At last, being very angry, he took his image down from its pedestal and dashed it against the wall. When its head was knocked off, out came a stream of gold, which the Carpenter quickly picked up and said, “Well, I think thou art altogether contradictory and unreasonable; for when I paid you honor, I reaped no benefits: but now that I maltreat you I am loaded with an abundance of riches.”

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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At Sanders's word he turned.
"Walk with me for a few minutes," said Sanders, and, with an apology to the girl, he followed the other from the room.
"What is it?" asked Hamilton.
Sanders was perturbed--this he knew, and his own move towards his room was in the nature of a challenge for information.
"Bones," said the Commissioner shortly. "Do you realize that we have had no news from him since he left?"
Hamilton smiled.
"He's an erratic beggar, but nothing could have happened to him, or we should have heard about it."
Sanders did not reply at once. He paced up and down the gravelled path before the Residency, his hands behind him.
"No news has come from Ranabini's village for the simple reason that nobody has entered or left it since Bones arrived," he said. "It is situated, as you know, on a tongue of land at the confluence of two rivers. No boat has left the beaches, and an attempt to reach it by land has been prevented by force."
"By force?" repeated the startled Hamilton.
Sanders nodded.
"I had the report in this morning. Two men of the Isisi from another village went to call on some relations. They were greeted with arrows, and returned hurriedly. The headman of M'gomo village met with the same reception. This came to the ears of my chief spy Ahmet, who attempted to paddle to the island in his canoe. At a distance of two hundred yards he was fired upon."
"Then they've got Bones?" gasped Hamilton.
"On the contrary, Bones nearly got Ahmet, for Bones was the marksman."
The two men paced the path in silence.
"Either Bones has gone mad," said Hamilton, "or----"
Hamilton laughed helplessly.
"I can't fathom the mystery," he said. "McMasters will be down to-morrow, to look at some sick men. We'll take him up, and examine the boy."
It was a subdued little party that boarded the _Zaire_ the following morning, and Patricia Hamilton, who came to see them off, watched their departure with a sense of impending trouble.
Dr. McMasters alone was cheerful, for this excursion represented a break in a somewhat monotonous routine.
"It may be the sun," he suggested. "I have known several fellows who have gone a little nutty from that cause. I remember a man at Grand Bassam who shot----"
"Oh, shut up, Mac, you grisly devil!" snapped Hamilton. "Talk about butterflies."
The _Zaire_ swung round the bend of the river that hid Ranabini's village from view, but had scarcely come into sight when--
Sanders saw the bullet strike the river ahead of the boat, and send a spiral column of water shooting into the air. He put up his glasses and focussed them on the village beach.
"Bones!" he said grimly. "Take her in, Abiboo."
As the steersman spun the wheel--
This time the shot fell to the right.
The three white men looked at one another.
"Let every man take cover," said Sanders quietly. "We're going to that beach even if Bones has a battery of 75's!"
An exclamation from Hamilton arrested him.
"He's signalling," said the Houssa Captain, and Sanders put up his glasses again.
Bones's long arms were waving at ungainly angles as he semaphored his warning.

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Erik, who had been the originator of this plan, had often asked himself which of the vessels he had better join, and he had finally concluded to attach himself to the second.
The "Nordenskiold," he said to himself, would follow the same course as the "Vega." It was therefore necessary that she should be equally successful in making the first part of the voyage, and double Cape Tchelynskin, but they might not be able to do this, since it had only been accomplished once. Besides, the last news which they had received from the "Vega," she was only two or three hundred leagues from Behring's Straits; therefore they would have a better chance of meeting her. The "Nordenskiold" might follow her for many months without overtaking her. But the other vessel could hardly fail to meet her, if she was still in existence.
The principal thing in Erik's eyes was to reach the "Vega" as quickly as possible, in order to meet Patrick O'Donoghan without delay.
The doctor and Mr. Bredejord warmly approved of his motives when he explained them to them.
The work of preparing the "Alaska" was pushed on as rapidly as possible. Her provisions, equipments, and the clothing, were all carefully chosen, for they profited by the experience of former Arctic explorers. Her crew were all experienced seamen, who had been inured to cold by frequent fishing voyages to Iceland and Greenland. Lastly, the captain chosen by the committee, was an officer of the Swedish marines, then in the employment of a maritime company, and well known on account of his voyages to the Arctic Ocean; his name was Lieutenant Marsilas. He chose for his first lieutenant Erik himself, who seemed designed for the position by the energy he had displayed in the service of the expedition, and who was also qualified by his diploma. The second and third officers were tried seamen, Mr. Bosewitz and Mr. Kjellguist.
The "Alaska" carried some explosive material in order to break the ice, if it should be necessary, and abundant provisions of an anti-scorbutic character, in order to preserve the officers and crew from the common Arctic maladies. The vessel was furnished with a heater, in order to preserve an even temperature, and also with a portable observatory called a "raven's nest," which they could hoist to the top of the highest mast, in those regions where they meet with floating ice, to signal the approach of icebergs.
By Erik's proposal this observatory contained a powerful electric light, which at night could illuminate the route of the "Alaska." Seven small boats, of which two were whale-boats, a steam-cutter, six sledges, snow-shoes for each of the crew, four Gatling cannons and thirty guns, with the necessary ammunition, were stored away on board. These preparations were approaching an end, when Mr. Hersebom and his son Otto arrived from Noroe with their large dog Kaas, and solicited the favor of being employed as seamen on board of the "Alaska." They knew from a letter of Erik's the strong personal interest which he had in this voyage, and they wished to share its dangers with him.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

LV Outlet Maston had gained a quiet resting spot and a safe place from the enraged crowd of people

J.T. Maston had gained a quiet resting spot and a safe place from the enraged crowd of people, and so this great man owed his life to the devotion of a loving woman. There were only four days to wait, four days only before the gigantic operation of Barbicane & Co. would be accomplished. The public notice had been read far and wide and had created as much public excitement as such a momentous document only could. If there were at the beginning a few sceptics on the subject, there were none at present. The various governments had notified in haste those of their provinces which would be raised into the air and those, a much larger number, the territory of which would be overrun with water. In consequence of this advice sent by telegraph over the five continents of the world an emigration began such as had never been seen before. Every race was represented, white, black, brown, yellow, etc., in one chromatic procession. Unhappily, time was wanting for all to secure safety. The hours were now counted. A few months notice would be required for the Chinese to leave China, the Australians, Australia, the Siberians, Siberia. In some instances the danger was a local one as soon as the place of the shooting was known, so the fright became less general. Some provinces and even some States began to feel easy again. In a word, except in the regions directly threatened, there was only felt an apprehension of the terrible shock. And during all this time Alcide Pierdeux was saying to himself, “How in the wide world can President Barbicane make a cannon a million times larger than that of twenty-seven centimetre? This Maston, I would like very much to meet him—to have with him a talk upon this subject. This does not agree with anything sensible, it is too enormous and too improbable.”
Be this as it may, the failure of the operation was the only hope which was left for certain parts of the world to escape more terrible destruction.
Chapter 17
The country of Wamasai is situated in the eastern part of Central Africa, between the coast of Zanzibar and the regions of the large lakes, where the Victoria Nyanza and the Tanganiyka form a great interior ocean. The part best known is that which has been visited by the Englishman Johnston, Count Tekeli and the German doctor Meyer. This mountainous land is under the sovereignty of Sultan Bali-Bali, whose people consist of 30,000 or 40,000 Negroes.
Three degrees below the Equator is situated the chain of Kilimanjaro, which here reaches its greatest altitude. Among other peaks is the Mount of Kibo, with an altitude of 5,704 metres. The important ruler of this region has under his domination towards the south, north, and west the vast and fertile plains of Wamasai, which stretch from the lake of Victoria Nyanza across the province of Mozambique.
A few leagues below Kilimanjaro is the small village of Kisongo, the regular residence of the Sultan. This capital is in reality only a large hamlet. It is occupied by a very intelligent and industrious people, who work themselves as industriously as their slaves under the iron rule which Bali-Bali imposes on them.

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It seemed as if the promoters of this undertaking had not fully considered the consequences - that they would be so very dangerous to the earth, and that it would not do as much good as first thought. The European delegates, more than ever angry at the loss which they had suffered, resolved to make the most of this question and to excite the public as much as possible upon it so as to turn feeling against the members of the Gun Club.
It will not be forgotten that France had absolutely nothing to do with these delegates, as it had no intentions of buying the Arctic region. However, a Frenchman had come to Baltimore, and for his own personal benefit and information had watched with great interest the proceedings of the Gun Club. He was an engineer, not more than thirty-five years old. He had been first in the polytechnic school, and came out of it with the highest honors. He was without doubt as skilful a calculator as Mr. J.T. Maston. This engineer was a very intelligent young man, very original, always pleasant, and with most amiable manners. He always spoke very frankly and used plain language, no matter whether he was speaking in earnest or in fun. He even went so far as to use slangy expressions when they served his purpose. He could sit for hours at his table and figure and calculate, making his figures and calculations as fast as he could write with a pen. His greatest pleasure, next to these difficult mathematical efforts, was in “whist,” which he played apparently very indifferently, not forgetting to figure out all his chances. His name was Alcide Pierdeux, but he generally signed it, A. Pierd, and sometimes only A. Pie. He was very tall. His friends remarked that his height measured about the five millionth part of the quarter of the meridian, and they were not much mistaken. He had a small head, at least it looked so on his broad shoulders, but with a most lively expression on his face, and his blue eyes behind his eye-glasses twinkled merrily. This was characteristic of him, for he had one of those faces which appear merry, even when they are in sober earnest. He was at once the best scholar in his class and the best tempered. But even if his head did seem a little small on his shoulders, it is safe to say that it was filled to its highest capacity. He was a mathematician, as all his ancestors had been, but he did not study mathematics to use them in his profession, for which he never had any taste, as he disliked trade. No, he studied mathematics for themselves alone, simply to find them out more and more where there was so much unknown to man. Let us also remark that Alcide Pierdeux was a bachelor. He was as yet single, or, as he would express it, equal to one (= 1) although his greatest wish was to get married. His friends all thought that he would marry a very charming girl, gay and spirituelle. But, unhappily for him, the girl’s father said that he was too smart and that he would talk to his daughter in language which she would not be able to understand. How modest and simple this father was, indeed. And for this reason the young engineer decided to place between himself and his country the broad ocean. He asked permission to go abroad for a year and obtained it. He thought that he could not make any better use of his time than to go to Baltimore and note the actions of the N.P.P.A. And this is how he came to be at this time in the United States. However, since he got to Baltimore he had cared little apparently for the great undertaking of Barbicane & Co. Whether the earth would have a change of the axis or not, what did it matter to him? He only wanted to know, and his curiosity was at the highest point to find out, by what means they were to move the earth. He thought again and again how they would do it and had several plans in his head and dismissed them only to consider the matter afresh. He concluded that they wanted probably to substitute a new axis, but he did not clearly see where their point of operations was to be. Then, again, he would say, “There is the daily movement. It is impossible to surpress it; how they will do it, is a perfect conundrum to me.” He had no idea what the plans of Barbicane and Maston were. It is to be regretted very much that their intentions were not known to him, as he would have been able to figure out the formulae in a very short time. And so it came about that on this 29th day of December, Alcide Pierdeux was walking with his hand at his brow, pondering, about the streets of Baltimore.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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“There’s Nellie Bly!”
In one instant the crowd that had been yelling like mad became so silent that a pin could have been heard fall to the floor. Every face, bright and eager, was turned up towards us, instantly every hat came off, and then a burst of applause resounded through the immense hall. People can say what they please about Chicago, but I do not believe that anywhere else in the United States a woman can get a greeting which will equal that given by the Chicago Board of Trade. The applause was followed by cheer after cheer and cries of “Speech!” but I took off my little cap and shook my head at them, which only served to increase their cheers.
Shortly afterwards the Press Club escorted me to the Pennsylvania Station, where I reluctantly bade them good-bye, unable to thank them heartily enough for the royal manner in which they had treated a little sun-burnt stranger.
Now I was on a regular train which seemed to creep, so noticeable was the difference in the speed of traveling. Instead of a fine sleeping-car at my disposal, I had but a state-room, and my space was so limited that floral and fruit offerings had to be left behind. In Chicago, a cable which afforded me much pleasure reached me, having missed me at San Francisco.
“Mr. Verne wishes the following message to be handed to Nellie Bly the moment she touches American soil: M. and Mme. Jules Verne address their sincere felicitations to Miss Nellie Bly at the moment when that intrepid young lady sets foot on the soil of America.”
The train was rather poorly appointed, and it was necessary for us to get off for our meals. When we stopped at Logansport for dinner, I being the last in the car, was the last to get off. When I reached the platform a young man, whom I never saw before or since, sprang upon the other platform, and waving his hat, shouted:
“Hurrah for Nellie Bly!”
The crowd clapped hands and cheered, and after making way for me to pass to the dining-room, pressed forward and cheered again, crowding to the windows at last to watch me eat. When I sat down, several dishes were put before me bearing the inscription, “Success, Nellie Bly.”
It was after dark when we reached Columbus, where the depot was packed with men and women waiting for me. A delegation of railroad men waited upon me and presented me with beautiful flowers and candy, as did a number of private people. I did not go to bed until after we had passed Pittsburgh, and only got up in the morning in time to greet the thousands of good people who welcomed me at Harrisburg, where the Harrisburg Wheelman’s Club sent a floral offering in remembrance of my being a wheelman. A number of Philadelphia newspaper men joined me there, and at Lancaster I received an enthusiastic reception.
Almost before I knew it I was at Philadelphia, and all too soon to please me, for my trip was so pleasant I dreaded the finish of it. A number of newspaper men and a few friends joined me at Philadelphia to escort me to New York. Speech-making was the order from Philadelphia on to Jersey City. I was told when we were almost home to jump to the platform the moment the train stopped at Jersey City, for that made my time around the world. The station was packed with thousands of people, and the moment I landed on the platform, one yell went up from them, and the cannons at the Battery and Fort Greene boomed out the news of my arrival. I took off my cap and wanted to yell with the crowd, not because I had gone around the world in seventy-two days, but because I was home again.

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There was a passion of mature grief in this tone of appeal. And yet she remained as touching and helpless as a distressed child. It had all the simplicity and depth of a child’s emotion. It tugged at one’s heart-strings in the same direct way. But what could one do? How could one soothe her? It was impossible to pat her on the head, take her on the knee, give her a chocolate or show her a picture-book. I found myself absolutely without resource. Completely at a loss.
“Yes, Ortega. Well, what of it?” I whispered with immense assurance.
Part 5 Chapter 7
My brain was in a whirl. I am safe to say that at this precise moment there was nobody completely sane in the house. Setting apart Therese and Ortega, both in the grip of unspeakable passions, all the moral economy of Dona Rita had gone to pieces. Everything was gone except her strong sense of life with all its implied menaces. The woman was a mere chaos of sensations and vitality. I, too, suffered most from inability to get hold of some fundamental thought. The one on which I could best build some hopes was the thought that, of course, Ortega did not know anything. I whispered this into the ear of Dona Rita, into her precious, her beautifully shaped ear.
But she shook her head, very much like an inconsolable child and very much with a child’s complete pessimism she murmured, “Therese has told him.”
The words, “Oh, nonsense,” never passed my lips, because I could not cheat myself into denying that there had been a noise; and that the noise was in the fencing-room. I knew that room. There was nothing there that by the wildest stretch of imagination could be conceived as falling with that particular sound. There was a table with a tall strip of looking-glass above it at one end; but since Blunt took away his campaigning kit there was no small object of any sort on the console or anywhere else that could have been jarred off in some mysterious manner. Along one of the walls there was the whole complicated apparatus of solid brass pipes, and quite close to it an enormous bath sunk into the floor. The greatest part of the room along its whole length was covered with matting and had nothing else but a long, narrow leather-upholstered bench fixed to the wall. And that was all. And the door leading to the studio was locked. And Therese had the key. And it flashed on my mind, independently of Dona Rita’s pessimism, by the force of personal conviction, that, of course, Therese would tell him. I beheld the whole succession of events perfectly connected and tending to that particular conclusion. Therese would tell him! I could see the contrasted heads of those two formidable lunatics close together in a dark mist of whispers compounded of greed, piety, and jealousy, plotting in a sense of perfect security as if under the very wing of Providence. So at least Therese would think. She could not be but under the impression that (providentially) I had been called out for the rest of the night.
And now there was one sane person in the house, for I had regained complete command of my thoughts. Working in a logical succession of images they showed me at last as clearly as a picture on a wall, Therese pressing with fervour the key into the fevered palm of the rich, prestigious, virtuous cousin, so that he should go and urge his self-sacrificing offer to Rita, and gain merit before Him whose Eye sees all the actions of men. And this image of those two with the key in the studio seemed to me a most monstrous conception of fanaticism, of a perfectly horrible aberration. For who could mistake the state that made Jose Ortega the figure he was, inspiring both pity and fear? I could not deny that I understood, not the full extent but the exact nature of his suffering. Young as I was I had solved for myself that grotesque and sombre personality. His contact with me, the personal contact with (as he thought) one of the actual lovers of that woman who brought to him as a boy the curse of the gods, had tipped over the trembling scales. No doubt I was very near death in the “grand salon” of the Maison Doree, only that his torture had gone too far. It seemed to me that I ought to have heard his very soul scream while we were seated at supper. But in a moment he had ceased to care for me. I was nothing. To the crazy exaggeration of his jealousy I was but one amongst a hundred thousand. What was my death? Nothing. All mankind had possessed that woman. I knew what his wooing of her would be: Mine — or Dead.

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Now, the first question which might come up was, would the projectile deviate from the trajectory assigned to it by the calculations of J.T. Maston? In no way, for the calculations were absolutely correct. They indicated to what extent the projectile would deviate to the east of the meridian of Kilimanjaro because of the rotation of the earth on its axis, and what would be the form of the curve which it would describe because of its enormous initial velocity. Secondly, would it be visible during its course? No, because in going out of the shaft it would be thrown in the shadow of the earth and it could not be seen, for in consequence of its low trajectory it would have a very sharp angle of velocity compared with the earth’s course. In fact, Barbicane and Capt. Nicholl could well be proud of their work, which had so far succeeded in its every detail. Why was J.T. Maston not there to watch this great operation, founded on the figuring which he had done? And who was it that kept him so far away, so very far, when this terrible detonation would wake the echoes as far as the furthermost horizon of Africa?
Thinking of him, his two associates did not know that the Secretary had been compelled to keep away from Ballistic Cottage after having got out of prison and hidden himself in a safe place away from the savage people. They did not know to what extent indignation had been roused against the engineer of the N. P. P. A. They did not know that they, too, would have been burnt or hanged and tortured to death if it had been possible to have reached them. Really, they ought to have been glad that at the moment when the shooting would take place they would only be saluted by the cries of this Negro people of Eastern Africa, “Well, at last!” said Capt. Nicholl to President Barbicane, when on the 22d of September they were standing before their finished work. “Yes, at last,” said Impey Barbicane. “What a chance it was that placed at our disposition this admirable melimelonite!” said Capt. Nicholl. “Which will make you the most illustrious person on the earth, Nicholl.” “Without doubt, Barbicane,” modestly answered Capt. Nicholl. “But do you know how much it would have been necessary to dig out Kilimanjaro if we only had gun-cotton equal to that which threw our projectile to the moon?”
“How much, Nicholl?”
“One hundred and eighty galleries, Barbicane.”
“Well, we would have digged them, Captain.”
“And 180 projectiles of 180,000 tons.”
“We would have melted them, Nicholl.”
“It was useless to expect reasonable conversation between two persons of this type. But after they made the trip to the moon, what would they not be capable of? On the very same evening only a few hours before the minute when the gun was to be fired, and while President Barbicane and Capt. Nicholl were congratulating themselves, Alcide Pierdeux, closeted in his studio at Baltimore, uttered a cry of hurrah! as if he were crazy.
Then, suddenly getting up from the table, which was covered with figures and calculations, he cried out:
“Ah! What a fool Maston is!—what a stupid fellow! His whole problem will go in the soup! Christopher Columbus! Why did I not see this before? If I only knew where he was at this moment I would invite him to have supper with me and to sip a glass of champagne at the very moment when they are going to fire off the gun.”

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Alaska Fishing Lodge: The Nature抯 Abode

Recreation is an important aspect in the life of human beings. Anglers represent the major group of leisure seekers, and have a determined advantage over the other groups who make use of nature抯 wonderful creatures and elements for food.

Consequently, the popularity of fishing in many areas had continuously dominated the society. That is why along with its series of activities, people now realize the need for fishing lodges especially in places where fishing activities seem to never end.

Among all fishing lodges available in the industry today, the Alaska Fishing Lodges are among the most treasured and most popular fishing lodges in the United States.

The Alaska Fishing Lodge provides its customers full customer service satisfaction with their wide array of fishing activities and endless strings of fishing fun.

Normally, Alaska Fishing Lodges are made up of logs; sturdily build to provide each angler optimum convenience and comfort. It is known for its spacious interiors, creatively decorated with the right embellishments, thereby, setting the mood for fishing and wilderness.

In addition, because it carries the true Alaskan heritage, Alaska Fishing Lodges offer services and products that can be afforded by anyone. With its affordable rates, the place is inhabited by people, who mostly want to enjoy life and fishing but cannot afford to buy the pleasures in expensive beaches and lodges.

Best of all, Alaska Fishing Lodges are perfectly located in areas where the waters are abundant with the different species of fish. Usually, these lodges are situated in a place where trout, northern pike, and grayling mostly inhabit the waters.

On the other hand, most Alaska Fishing Lodges are built big enough to occupy 16 guests, in which each guest can avail of personal and individualized services.

Moreover, this type of lodge also houses a place where king salmon are abundant especially during the months of June and early part of July. Most lodges also provide a wide variety of fishing equipment, from rods to tackles and lines.

With all these beautiful features present in every Alaska Fishing Lodge, there is no better place to enjoy fishing and the wilderness like what this particular lodge can offer.

Staying in an Alaska Fishing Lodge is, indeed, an ultimate fishing experience.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Tips on What You Should Do During Earthquake Emergencies

Scientists have not yet really determined a way to predict an earthquake. That is why, when a strong earthquake strikes, a lot of people gets injured, or even killed, and properties gets damaged. The only thing we can do, if we live in an area near fault lines, is to be prepared everyday for such eventualities.

Here are the things you should do to prepare for an earthquake:

Prepare an emergency kit

You will never know what will happen after a quake, thus, you should always have an emergency kit for everyone in your household. Each kit must contain at least one gallon of water, food supply for at least three days (you should select non-perishable food), and first aid kit.

You should ensure that you regularly change the food and water in your emergency kit. The food and water in your kit will be of little use if they are already not fit to eat or drink. Instead of saving your life, such might even exacerbate your situation.

Know the mains of your utilities

Earthquake might cause fire from gas leaks and electricity. Thus, it is important that you know where the main switches of your utilities are so that you can turn them off when needed.

Inspect your house for cracks and fissures

You must regularly check the condition of your house to ensure that it can withstand even a strong earthquake. Be sure to have the cracks on your walls, chimney and even door frames fixed. If you live in an apartment, report cracks and fissures to your landlord immediately, so that he or she can do something about the situation.

Have an evacuation plan

You and your family must make an emergency plan for disasters, such as fire, floods, and earthquakes. Each member of the family should know what to do in case of such incidents. You will be able to protect your family more if you prepare them earlier. Panic and confusion can often lead to injuries accidents.

Here are the things you should do during an earthquake:

The first thing you and your family should do is to stay away from objects that might fall off. Stay away from book cases, cabinets, and hanging objects, such as chandeliers, or ceiling fan.

During an earthquake, it is wiser that you stay put, particularly under sturdy tables or door frames. Do not run around or even attempt to get out of the house. There are more dangerous things outside your house that could injure you, such as lampposts and cars.

Make sure that the emergency kit that you prepared is easily accessible. If possible, place it in a location where you and your family will run into during a quake.

Stay away from the kitchen. One of the most dangerous places in the house during an earthquake is the kitchen because there are many pots and pans hanging around and drawers full of knives and cutlery. Furthermore, there is a danger of a gas leak in the kitchen that might cause fire.

What to do after the earthquake
Do not attempt to light a match or a candle immediately after the quake; you are not sure if there are gas leaks. Lighting up a match might ignite a fire, so be very careful. If you can, shut off the main gas valve if you smell gas.

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Comedy is weighed primarily on humor. Its comicality is what makes it distinct from all the other genres. Its focus is on individual stars and usually has a happy ending. It has lighthearted stories and the purpose is just to make the viewers laugh. Comedy is one of the oldest in the industry. It has been evolving since then to cope up with the new trends and not to bore their audience.

1895-1930 is the era of silent movies. They began coming into sight in substantial numbers during these years. Because this kind of comedy has no verbal communication, it relies on slapstick and burlesque, which involves parody and at times grotesque exaggeration. Charlie Chaplin is one of the most popular actors in the line of silent movies. In France, Max Linder holds the title.

In 1920's, comedy in the form of animated cartoons became popular. The characters have been receiving "special cartoon treatment." To name a few, there are Felix the Cat, Betty Boop and Krazy Kat.

The introduction of sounds in movies started the use of verbal humor. This took place in towards the end of 1920's. At the start of 1930's slapstick comedians were replaced by dialogue film comedians like W.C Fields and the Marx Borthers. Despite these changes, Charlie Chaplin remained in his position and was still a favorite during that time. He also made some changes like putting sound effects but still has no dialogue.

Screwball comedy was next in line. It encompassed pleasing and idealized climate that certain values and positive beliefs about everyday life of people were showed. Although physical comedy was still there, it is no longer a necessity because verbal interaction was prioritized and appreciated by the audience. Short subject films were also part of the trend during those times. It is when the Three Stooges was at its peak.

When the World War II started, military themes were such a hit in the industry. Comedy was focused on civil defense, service, boot-camp and shore leave. Because there are restrictions in traveling during the war, Hollywood was in boom time. But in the 1950's, comedy was introduced in television. Family themed comedy became part of the industry because of this reason. Towards the end of 1950's, darker humor began to rise, which includes satire and social commentary.

In the 1960's, star-packed comedies were released. This is also when Peter Sellers tried his luck on international audience and had a favorable outcome.

1970's was when slapstick comedy came back through Mel Brooks. His films include Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles. But still, verbal use prevailed. This is the start of the career of Steve Martin and others notable comedians.

Gag-based comedy films and disaster-themed series were well known trends in the 1980's. During this time, American TV series were favored.

In the early 1990's, the family-themed movies cam back to the limelight. Sequels were even made out of its success. Romantic comedy films were admired.

Stoner comedies were such a knockout. The story usually involves the adventure of two guys. Gross out movies were also patronized by younger audience.

Comedy in television will always stay but it will continuously evolve to adapt to the traditional and pop culture, politics and even trends that represent the current era.

Friday, October 19, 2012

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Planning a Stress Free New Years Eve Party

If you are in the process of planning a New Years Eve party, you likely want to make the event as stress free as possible. While there is always some stress involved in planning any event, there are a number of steps you can take in reducing the amount of stress involved while you are planning your New Years Eve party. This article will focus on providing tips for keeping the stress level to a minimum when planning a New Years Eve party. There may still be a few areas which cause concern or stress but if you follow these tips, the event will likely be more enjoyable for you and the guests.

Consider making the dress for the event casual instead of formal to create a more stress free environment. This simple stress can be very effective for reducing the stress level. First of all, if the affair is casual, the host will have to spend less time getting dressed for the party. This is important because the host often becomes quite stressed out on the day of the party because she is trying to take care of last minute details while she is also worried about getting dressed for the party. It also helps to reduce the stress level because guests expect more elegant food for a formal party than they do for a casual party so there is less stress to prepare and serve an elaborate meal at the party.

Regardless of the type of food you decide to serve, preparing the food for a New Years Eve party can be a significant cause of stress. Hiring a caterer is the most efficient way to minimize this stress. When hiring a caterer the host may have a great deal of work during the planning phases in selecting a caterer, tasting the food and selecting dishes for the menu, but once this is done the host only has to worry about coordinating the delivery and service of the food. This leaves the hostess free to focus on other elements of the party and prevents her from spending a great deal of time in the kitchen on the evening of the party.

While hiring a caterer is an excellent idea, it can be rather expensive. Fortunately there are also a number of inexpensive options for minimize the stress associated with preparing the food for a New Years Eve party. One fun way to do this is to make the party a potluck event. Having guests bring dishes such as side dishes, salads, appetizers, desserts and even main dishes or drinks greatly reduces the amount of work for the host. In this scenario the host only has to worry about providing one or two items and coordinating the other guests to ensure they do not all bring similar items.

Another inexpensive option which can help to reduce the amount of stress typically associated with preparing the food for a New Years Eve party is to serve only appetizers, desserts and cocktails at the party. This is significantly less expensive as appetizers are traditionally much less expensive than main course items. It is also acceptable to do this because most New Years Eve parties do not start until 8:00-9:00 at night. It is acceptable to assume most guests will have had dinner earlier in the evening but as a courtesy to the guests it is worthwhile to indicate on the invitations that only appetizers and desserts will be served.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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James Stewart: A Well Known Championship Supercross Rider

Are you a fan of supercross motorcycle racing? If so, there is a chance that you have heard of Ricky Carmichael and Jeremy McGrath. What about James Stewart? If you were paying attention to the 2006 supercross motorcycle racing season, there is a good chance that you have. In 2006, James Stewart was crowned the 2006 World Supercross GP Champion. This alone is enough to be proud of, but when you look more closely at all that Stewart has accomplished, you will find that he did not make it to where he is today just by luck; it took a large amount of hard work and determination.

James Stewart was born in Florida in 1985; this is one of the reasons why his success is so unique. Although many supercross motorcycle riders get their start at a young age, James Stewart is still relatively young for what he has accomplished. Perhaps, part of that credit can be given to this father. James Stewart Sr. was also a motocross racer. It has been said that he regularly took his son along with him to the racers. It has also been said that this is where James Stewart developed a love for the sport and that love never died down.

Like many other professional supercross racers, James Stewart got his start in motocross racing. He traveled the country, racing at numerous outdoor venues, otherwise known as motocross racing tracks. This practice and experience is what has helped Stewart become the success that he is today. With getting started in supercross racing at such a young age, it is important to take note of his family and all that they helped him achieve. It has been noted that James Stewart�s family made numerous sacrifices to allow him achieve his dream of becoming a professional supercross rider, a dream that would later come true.

As previously mentioned, Stewart�s age is enough to make his journey remarkable, but so is something else; his ethnicity. Although it shouldn�t be focused on, James Stewart is African American. Why his race is important to note is because he was the first ever African American to win a Supercross World Series Event. In fact, James Stewart is often referred to as the �Tiger Woods of Supercross.� This nickname recently replaced his old childhood nickname of �Bubba.�

In addition to winning the THQ World Super Series, in 2005, James Stewart is also well known for his recent supercross championship win in 2006, as mentioned above. This win is important, as well as many of the others. During his career, which will still continue, James Stewart has competed with some of the greatest and well known supercross racers. These racers include, but are not limited to Chad Reed, Jeremy McGrath, and Ricky Carmichael. His performance, when competing against these well known and established riders, goes to show that he has more than earned the right to be known as a supercross champ.

If you are looking for more information on James Stewart, you can easily find it by visiting his official online website. That online website is located at www.jamesstewartonline.com. In addition to information on his personal life, as well as his racing career, you can also subscribe to the James Stewart newsletter. This newsletter, which is free of charge, will help to keep you up-to-date on your favorite supercross motorcycle rider.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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Holiday Mountain Ski Vacations

Holiday Mountain, located in New York, is a popular
area for skiing. Even though the highest elevation is
only 1300 feet, and the vertical drop is only 400 feet,
this area is a popular place for the younger crowd,
and it is definitely a great place to learn how to ski.

There are eight lifts, including three chair lifts and five
surface lifts. There are 15 trails for beginners,
intermediate skiers, and expert skiers. While skiing
and snowboarding are the main attractions, there is
much more here as well, including bumper cars, an
arcade, and a mechanical bull. There is always
something to do at Holiday Mountain Ski Resort.

The best place to stay when visiting Holiday Mountain
Ski Resort is the Villa Roma Resort Hotel, which is
located in the Sullivan County Catskills. Villa Roma
was named as one of America抯 50 Best Family
Resorts by Better Homes & Garden Magazine, and
with the amazing amount of fun activities, it is easy
to see why. The resort features a rail park for
snowboarders, birthday packages, snow tubing, and
of course skiing.

(word count 182)


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Though she paused here, as if in expectation of an answer, the Goth preserved an unbroken silence. Neither by nature nor position was he capable of partaking the wild fancies and aspiring thoughts, drawn by the influences of the external world from their concealment in Antonina’s heart.
The mystery of his present situation; his vague remembrance of the duties he had abandoned; the uncertainty of his future fortunes and future fate; the presence of the lonely being so inseparably connected with his past emotions and his existence to come, so strangely attractive by her sex, her age, her person, her misfortunes, and her endowments; all contributed to bewilder his faculties. Goisvintha, the army, the besieged city, the abandoned suburbs, seemed to hem him in like a circle of shadowy and threatening judgments; and in the midst of them stood the young denizen of Rome, with her eloquent countenance and her inspiring words, ready to hurry him, he knew not whither, and able to influence him, he felt not how.
Unconsciously interpreting her companion’s silence into a wish to change the scene and the discourse, Antonina, after lingering over the view from the garden for a moment longer, led the way back towards the untenanted house. They removed the wooden padlock from the door of the dwelling, and guided by the brilliant moonlight, entered its principal apartment.
The homely adornments of the little room had remained undisturbed, and dimly distinguishable though they now were, gave it to the eyes of the two strangers, the same aspect of humble comfort which had probably once endeared it to its exiled occupants. As Hermanric seated himself by Antonina’s side on the simple couch which made the principal piece of furniture in the place, and looked forth from the window over the same view that they had beheld in the garden, the magic stillness and novelty of the scene now began to affect his slow perceptions, as they had already influenced the finer and more sensitive faculties of the thoughtful girl. New hopes and tranquil ideas arose in his young mind, and communicated an unusual gentleness to his expression, an unusual softness to his voice, as he thus addressed his silent companion:—
‘With such a home as this, with this garden, with that country beyond, with no warfare, no stern teachers, no enemy to threaten you; with companions and occupations that you loved — tell me, Antonina, would not your happiness be complete?’
As he looked round at the girl to listen to her reply, he saw that her countenance had changed. Their past expression of deep grief had again returned to her features. Her eyes were fixed on the short dagger that hung over the Goth’s breast, which seemed to have suddenly aroused in her a train of melancholy and unwelcome thoughts. When she at length spoke, it was in a mournful and altered voice, and with a mingled expression of resignation and despair.
‘You must leave me — we must be parted again,’ said she; ‘the sight of your weapons has reminded me of all that until now I had forgotten, of all that I have left in Rome, of all that you have abandoned before the city walls. Once I thought we might have escaped together from the turmoil and the danger around us, but now I know that it is better that you should depart! Alas! for my hopes and my happiness, I must be left alone once more!’

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The Color Purple is new to Broadway and has done it's press releases through the media to draw crowds of audiences to see the show. The venue is the Broadway Theatre, located at 1681 Broadway at 53rd street, and opened on December 1st 2005. The show runs for two hours and forty minutes with one intermission and is considered a musical drama.

The musical is based around Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, directed by Gary Griffin with a musical score by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen Bray and starring LaChanze as CelieRenee Elise Goldsberry as Nettie Goldsberry. The show was already a blockbuster hit from the Steven Spielberg's movie of the same name, making most audiences very familiar with the stories content. The basis of the story is one women's triumph over adversity through the power of love. The production has some great musical moments using the genres of ragtime, gospel and the blues with dancing sequences choreographed by Donald Byrd.

The Color Purple is the story of a family and a women's struggle through adversity to realize her voice and power in the world at that time. The production has scored big with audiences and critics for it's heartfelt emotions of love, hope and triumph over the struggles of the human condition. Already hailed as a landmark on Broadway with a musical score which runs through the great music genre's of the time, warming the heart and truly adding to the inspiration of the story.

The Broadway musical production truly brings to life the characters of the classic novel by Alice Walker and the characters really come alive in a heartfelt and emotional way. The gospel, jazz, swing and African music bring a real touch of feel for the time period and help set the tone of the whole story.

The Color Purple has quickly become a must see show very quickly for Broadway. Critics have already praised the show for it's story and emotion as well as musical score. Audiences have come out in great numbers to experience the heartfelt emotion of the storyline and have come to say that the production is about love and though some times you may find yourself in tears, there are many funny and entertaining moments which keep the show from being boring or to deep.

The Color Purple is set for a long run in New York and The Color Purple play tickets prices run from anywhere between ninety-five dollars to one hundred and twenty dollars at the box office. For sold out shows you will have to buy from a broker and prices should run about twenty percent higher for average tickets, but much more expensive for premium seating.


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coach Time flowed on — the monotonous hours of the day waned again towards night

Time flowed on — the monotonous hours of the day waned again towards night; and plague and famine told their lapse in the fated highways of Rome. For father and child the sand in the glass was fast running out, and neither marked it as it diminished. The sleeper still reposed, and the guardian by his side still watched; but now her weary gaze was directed on the street, unconsciously attracted by the sound of voices which at length rose from it at intervals, and by the light of the torches and lamps which appeared in the great palace of the senator Vetranio, as the sun gradually declined in the horizon, and the fiery clouds around were quenched in the vapours of the advancing night. Steadily she looked upon the sight beneath and before her; but even yet her limbs never moved; no expression relieved the blank, solemn peacefulness of her features.
Meanwhile, the soft, brief twilight glimmered over the earth, and showed the cold moon, poised solitary in the starless heaven; then, the stealthy darkness arose at her pale signal, and closed slowly round the City of Death!
Chapter 22 The Banquet of Famine
Of all prophecies, none are, perhaps, so frequently erroneous as those on which we are most apt to venture in endeavouring to foretell the effect of outward events on the characters of men. In no form of our anticipations are we more frequently baffled than in such attempts to estimate beforehand the influence of circumstance over conduct, not only in others, but also even in ourselves. Let the event but happen, and men, whom we view by the light of our previous observation of them, act under it as the living contradictions of their own characters. The friend of our daily social intercourse, in the progress of life, and the favourite hero of our historic studies, in the progress of the page, astonish, exceed, or disappoint our expectations alike. We find it as vain to foresee a cause as to fix a limit for the arbitrary inconsistencies in the dispositions of mankind.
But, though to speculate upon the future conduct of others under impending circumstances be but too often to expose the fallacy of our wisest anticipations, to contemplate the nature of that conduct after it has been displayed is a useful subject of curiosity, and may perhaps be made a fruitful source of instruction. Similar events which succeed each other at different periods are relieved from monotony, and derive new importance from the ever-varying effects which they produce on the human character. Thus, in the great occurrence which forms the foundation of our narrative, we may find little in the siege of Rome, looking at it as a mere event, to distinguish it remarkably from any former siege of the city — the same desire for glory and vengeance, wealth and dominion, which brought Alaric to her walls, brought other invaders before him. But if we observed the effect of the Gothic descent upon Italy on the inhabitants of her capital, we shall find ample matter for novel contemplation and unbounded surprise.
We shall perceive, as an astonishing instance of the inconsistencies of the human character, the spectacle of a whole people resolutely defying an overwhelming foreign invasion at their very doors, just at the period when they had fallen most irremediably from the highest position of national glory to the lowest depths of national degradation; resisting an all-powerful enemy with inflexible obstinacy, for the honour of the Roman name, which they had basely dishonoured or carelessly forgotten for ages past. We shall behold men who have hitherto laughed at the very name of patriotism, now starving resolutely in their country’s cause; who stopped at no villainy to obtain wealth, now hesitating to employ their ill-gotten gains in the purchase of the most important of all gratifications — their own security and peace. Instances of the unimaginable effect produced by the event of the siege of Rome on the characters of her inhabitants might be drawn from all classes, from the lowest to the highest, from patrician to plebeian; but to produce them here would be to admit too long an interruption in the progress of the present narrative. If we are to enter at all into detail on such a subject, it must be only in a case clearly connected with the actual requirements of our story; and such a case may be found, at this juncture, in the conduct of the senator Vetranio, under the influence of the worst calamities attending the blockade of Rome by the Goths.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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Having Mascots, Minglers, Entertainers At Your Next Event - How To Find & Work With Them

Planning a great party does not have to be that hard. All you really have to do is find a way to make your event great. You will find that when you get the great ideas to make your party special, you will get an over whelming response to the event and it will be a great time that is had by all.
One of the best ways to make a great event even better is to have some kind of great entertainment. You will want to find someone to come to your party and make it great. You can get any type of entertainer that you would like and it will be a great addition to your party.
You should think about the type of party you are having. Who will be the guests and what type of party is it going to be? These are things that you will want to think about so that you can make the most of the great time. You will want to bring out someone that will entertain all of your party goes and keep them interested in the event.
If you are looking for an entertainer to come to your party, you can check out the phone book. There are plenty of party entertainers that are listed there to help you. You will see that there are plenty of different options and you will need to choose the ones that will give the crowd a great night of fun. You can get comedians, musicians, and even guest speakers. No matter what type of entertainer you decide to get, you will be able to hire someone to help you keep everyone there and having a great time.
If you do not want to hire an entertainer, you may want to find a mingler to get the party going. You will see that a mingler will keep the people talking and keeping them moving. They will be able to talk to the guests at different times and getting the guests ready for a night of entertainment. The mingler will be great for you so that you have time to sit and relax at your own party. You will of course want to talk to the guests and make them feel welcome as well as having some time out for yourself.
One great idea to have at your next event is to have someone to keep the crowed entertained and get them involved in the fun. You can have an entertainer that will bring the crowd up on stage and keep them involved. This is something that you can do easily and with little time and expense involved. You can usually find these people in the phone book or you can go online and find the help that you are looking for.
You can even work with your entertainer and bring more fun to the party. You can be a helper or get someone from the crowd to help as well. Either way, you will see that when you are able to get the guests having fun, you will be setting the stage for a successful party that will be a great time and memory for everyone. This is a great opportunity and one that you should do any time you want to make your next event the most that it can be.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to make your friends happy. You want them to talk about your event for many years to come and the best way to do that is to keep it interesting and exciting.

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But, to truly feel the impact of what a good article to you, go for original ones. There are many article writers who do part time and freelance article writing jobs that charges only minimal fees. You can get good articles that have all the keywords and keyword phrases you need and people are looking for.

The investment you made for these articles would be worthwhile because you could use them for all the benefits you could offer. You hold copyrights to them and you will be able to use them anyway you want. As your articles help you in building your business and your site, you will have more articles to write and maybe then you wont be having second thoughts about articles.

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Tropical astrology

Tropical Astrology is the old astrological division of the sky. When the Zodiac was invented, the position of the constellations were written down. But since then, the whole Zodiac has shifted almost a whole sign due to the Precession, so whoever was once born a Virgo, is now probably born a Leo - with the personality changes that come with it. Tropical Astrology ignores this, and keeps using the old tables - which have nothing to do with where the planets actually are in the sky.
Sidereal Astrology acknowledges the problem with the shifting signs, but digs itself deeper into the ludicrous: The more sidereal astrologers try to follow the real division of the sky, the more they are distancing themselves from the old wisdom. Sidereal astrologers cannot claim to build on ancient knowledge, but have to change the signs and characteristics over time. They are in turn making the whole concept of Astrology invalid. The real astronomical signs are a few days off from the Sidereal system by now - so not even Sidereal Astrology is using the correct star signs.
Sidereal astrology uses the actual constellation in which the sun is located at the moment of birth as its basis; tropical astrology uses a 30-degree sector of the zodiac as its basis. Tropical astrology is the most popular form and it assigns its readings based on the time of the year, while generally ignoring the positions of the sun and constellations relative to each other. Sidereal astrology is used by a minority of astrologers and bases its readings on the constellations near the sun at the time of birth.

According to some astrologers, the data support the hypothesis that there is a connection between heavenly bodies and human events. There are correlations too synchronous to be mere chance between astrological signs and such things as personality, emotions and human destiny.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

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With so many social media options ?from Facebook to Twitter to YouTube to LinkedIn ?it抯 no wonder so many companies have a disjointed social media strategy卭r no strategy at all. All their online entities, including their website and blog, are separate from each other. As a result, they may have lots of Twitter followers or Facebook fans, but not as much web traffic and not as many sales as they抎 like. The key is to bring all your online and social media efforts together into one integrated strategy that positively impacts your company抯 bottom line.

For example, your company likely has a website, and you may even have a blog. But is your blog connected to your website? Is all your blog traffic counting as website traffic? If you also have a Twitter account and a Facebook fan page, are your followers and fans able to easily link to your website? If you have how-to or product videos on YouTube, have you created a YouTube channel that also links to your blog/website/Facebook/Twitter and all your other social media accounts? For most companies, the answer is no.

Remember that search engines rank your website in many ways. Part of the equation is how much traffic your website receives as well as the keywords you use. If all those keywords are also in your blog and in your social media posts, why not have everything integrated in one place rather than scattered throughout the internet? If your company is in 20 different places that are not connected, then you抮e losing out on some serious website traffic. It抯 always better to multiply your efforts rather than divide them.

So instead of thinking, 揙ur company has a fan page, someone is monitoring Twitter, we have a website, our marketing person is doing blogs, and our sales manager put some of our sales presentations on SlideShare,?you need to think, 揂ll our online and social media activities are linked together to support our brand so people aren抰 just seeing our fan page or one of our videos on YouTube; they抮e seeing everything we do because it抯 all integrated.?When you adopt an integrated strategy, people will find you easier and your customer base will grow.

Get It Together

Whether you抮e just starting your social media activities or have multiple separate accounts, joining everything together is quite simple. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

Start with your philosophy rather than your technology.

The first step is to acknowledge that you need an integrated strategy that brings everything together. While you may see the value of monitoring Twitter and having a Facebook fan page, imagine how much stronger your brand would be if all your followers and fans could easily find your site without having to search for it. So you want all your social media activities to be integrated with your current website rather than having them off being their own thing.

Keep your brand consistent.

The brand you have on your website and the brand you use in your traditional marketing efforts also needs to be reflected in your social media activities. This includes your logo, tagline, color scheme, and images. For example, both Twitter and YouTube enable you to customize your page抯 background with your logo, contact information, and links to your blog, website, and other social media platforms. Your Facebook fan page can also display your logo and live links. The same goes for many other social media options. Bring elements of your current brand into as many places as possible.

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Hi and welcome to another of my articles, my name is Chris Martin and I am a Professional Photographer in Kent, UK. Today I will be covering the camera settings so many of us are scared of using. Its time to get that control dial spinning guys and stop using the auto and scene modes, the results will make it worth it I promise!.

The mode settings on most DSLR's are changed by a circular dial that is normally located on the top left of the camera as you are looking through the viewfinder. All too often we rely on the Auto setting on our cameras and thus hand over all control to it. The camera has no idea what we are photographing or the affect we desire, its up to us to tell it!, there is no point in spending our hard earned cash on a camera with lots of flexibility only to leave it in auto.

The changing of the values explained below differ from camera to camera and manufacturer, I would recommend checking in your camera manual how to do this. On the Nikon cameras which is what I use, the dials if front and to the rear of the shutter button change the vales.

So lets get started, the first Mode is 'S' or on a Canon camera 'TV', it stands for Shutter Priority or Time Value. So what is this mode and when and why should we use it?. Well if we are looking to take an image that is speed related and by this I mean we need to have a fast shutter speed to capture action or maybe a slow speed to get more motion in an image, the S mode is the one to use. When in this mode we are in charge of what the shutter speed is and the camera sorts out the rest, kind of a semi auto setting. So if we are wanting to freeze action, we can set the shutter speed to maybe 1/250th second or maybe we want to get some motion in the image we could then set the shutter speed to 1/30th second.

Onto the next setting, A or AV, this stands for 'aperture' or 'aperture value'. This setting is used when we need to dictate what aperture we would like to use. Say we would like to take a portrait and would like the background all soft and blurry, we would set the camera to F2.8 or F4, again the camera would sort out the rest as with the S mode. If we were shooting a landscape we want everything pi sharp form the foreground to the background, so we would set the value to F16 or F22.

The next on the list is P mode, when you turn the dial to this mode it is in essence the same as auto. However with P mode if you don't like what the camera has decided, you simply change either the shutter speed or the aperture. When you do this a small star will appear next to the 'P' to tell you that the camera settings have been overridden. This mode is good if you are on your holidays or taking snaps but still gives you the flexibility to override it very quickly and easily.

The last on the list is M and this stands for manual, in this mode you are in complete control of what the camera is going to do. Now this is great as you are in the driving seat and the camera is going to do exactly what you want. The downside is if you are new to photography the results maybe very hit and miss. For example I would use this mode all the time when shooting in the studio as I am in control of the light and know for a fact that my subject will be lit at say F8 & 1/125th second, if i left it to the camera it would not know I am in a studio environment with flash heads and the results would be awful. Another application would be if I was photographing a waterfall for example, I would need a very long shutter speed to blur the water and the aperture I would want to be around F8 for good depth of field. When on location using the M mode can be fun as you can experiment, if unsure maybe use the S or A mode to get a good starting point by looking at what the camera suggests and then go into the manual mode.

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Universal Studios Tours Annual Passes

If you live near Universal Studios, or in the Los
Angeles area, you should consider purchasing
annual passes for Universal Studios Tours. Annual
passes are reasonably priced, and will most likely
save you money on admission throughout the year.
Several different levels of annual passes are available.

A regular annual pass for Universal Studios costs
$65. With this pass, you will be granted twelve full
months of admission to the park, 15% savings on
general admission for up to six of your guests, 10%
off of all merchandise, and 10% off the price of all
food and beverages purchased inside the park.

You will also be given exclusive offers and invitations
to special events that are held throughout the year.
Some black-out dates do apply to regular annual
pass holders. You can upgrade to a deluxe annual
pass for $75. This pass will entitle you to all of the
things that a regular pass does, with one exception.
No black-out dates will apply to you.

The best value is the premium annual pass, which
costs $99. This pass will entitle you to twelve months
of admission to the park, invitations to special events
held throughout the year, exclusive offers, and 15%
savings on general admission prices for six of your
guests, 10% off the price of merchandise, 10% off
the price of food and beverages purchased inside
the park, and no black-out dates. Additionally,
you will be entitled to free parking during box office
hours, and front of the line access at Studio Tour.

If you plan to visit Universal Studios twice in one
year, an annual pass is the most logical choice.
General admission for Universal Studios Tours for
just one day costs $55. If you visit twice in one
year that is a total of $110! You can get a premium
annual pass for just $99! What this essentially
means is that if you purchase an annual pass, you
are really only paying for two days at the park, and
any additional days are the park are actually free!

As an annual pass ticket holder, you may not be
entitled to other admission discounts that are
available. However, you may be entitled to special
discounts on the annual pass in certain situations.
For instance, if you are a member of the Military,
you may be eligible for special prices on annual
passes. Contact Universal Studios Tours for more
information about any special prices or discounts
that you may be eligible for.

(word count 413)



chanel watches Hath call’d the huntsman to the brake

Hath call’d the huntsman to the brake;
The early student ponders o’er
His dusty tomes of ancient lore.
Soldier, wake — thy harvest, fame;
Thy study, conquest; war, thy game.
Shield, that would be foeman’s terror,
Still should gleam the morning’s mirror.
“Poor hire repays the rustic’s pain;
More paltry still the sportsman’s gain;
Vainest of all, the student’s theme
End in gome metaphysic dream.
Yet each is up, and each has toil’d
Since first the peep of dawn has smiled;
And each is eagerer in his aim
Than he who barters life for fame.
Up, up, and arm thee, son of terror!
Be thy bright shield the morning’s mirror.”
When the song was finished, the Constable heard some talking without, and presently Philip Guarine entered the pavilion to tell that a person, come hither as he said by the Constable’s appointment, waited permission to speak with him.
“By my appointment?” said De Lacy; “admit him immediately.”
The messenger of the preceding evening entered the tent, holding in one hand his small cap and feather, in the other the rote on which he had been just playing. His attire was fantastic, consisting of more than one inner dress of various colours, all of the brightest and richest dyes, and disposed so as to contrast with each other — the upper garment was a very short Norman cloak, in bright green. An embroidered girdle sustained, in lieu of offensive weapons, an inkhorn with its appurtenances on the one side, on the other a knife for the purposes of the table. His hair was cut in imitation of the clerical tonsure, which was designed to intimate that he had arrived to a certain rank in his profession; for the Joyous Science, as the profession of minstrelsy was termed, had its various ranks, like the degrees in the church and in chivalry. The features and the manners of the man seemed to be at variance with his profession and habit; for, as the latter was gay and fantastic, the former had a cast of gravity, and almost of sternness, which, unless when kindled by the enthusiasm of his poetical and musical exertions, seemed rather to indicate deep reflection, than the thoughtless vivacity of observation which characterized most of his brethren. His countenance, though not handsome, had therefore something in it striking and impressive, even from its very contrast with the particoloured hues and fluttering shape of his vestments; and the Constable felt something inclined to patronize him, as he said, “Good-morrow, friend, and I thank thee for thy morning greeting; it was well sung and well meant, for when we call forth any one to bethink him how time passes, we do him the credit of supposing that he can employ to advantage that flitting treasure.”
The man, who had listened in silence, seemed to pause and make an effort ere he replied, “My intentions, at least, were good, when I ventured to disturb my lord thus early; and I am glad to learn that my boldness hath not been evil received at his hand.”
“True,” said the Constable, “you had a boon to ask of me. Be speedy, and say thy request — my leisure is short.”

louis vuitoon California Tan Lotion Why is it a Lot Better

California Tan Lotion: Why is it a Lot Better?

Are you already tired with your pale skin? Do you feel bored with your white complexion? How about treating yourself with some California Tan lotion? If this is one of your aims then feel free to join the club! You are not alone in thinking of getting a golden bronze tan. The glow of the tanned skin can be too appealing especially when the summer months are fast approaching.

People who are willing to get this tan resort to any of these mediums梥tretching out into the sun, going to tanning booths, making use of self tanners, or a combination of all of these. For many individuals, the summer months mean going out into the heat of the sun whether at the beach or at the pool. But if you wish not to bother doing this, you can always turn to California Tan lotions which are readily sold in the beauty care shops or by the reputable tanning salons in your place.

Which California Tan lotion is really the best? When you are in search for the best California Tan lotion that you will trust with your whole life, you will find yourself being faced with several brands. This only makes your choice wider and harder.

As you browse through the websites, you will find up to 900 brand names of tan lotion products which are sold in the market. Among the most popular are California Tan lotions line of product such as suntan lotions, indoor tanning bed lotion, and the bronzer forms. The tanning lotions are mainly utilized by people who would like to gain a natural looking tan. These products are likewise gifted with the protective coating that shuns away the harmful rays of the sun.

The beginner self tanners would always go for the sunless tanning lotions. Why so? These products are significantly devoted for indoor tanning with the help of course of the efficient tanning beds. Tanning beds can be bought for home use or for commercial use. But make sure that you keep yourself abreast of the regulations and rules of using the tanning beds. The California Tanning lotions are very easy and convenient to use compared to having to stretch yourself out in the sun. In an indoor setting, the California Tan lotions will work out best for your skin. A lot of tanning lotions also serve as moisturizers which keep the skin glowing healthily and letting out a natural tan to be thus developed in your skin.

Years back then, the tanning bed lotions reached the zenith of popularity mainly because of the warnings posed by the government regarding the dangerous effects of the rays of the sun. The onset of skin cancer has also propelled more the popular use of the tanning lotions. So instead of tanning through sunbathing, more and more people opted to go for the tanning lotions.

California Tanning lotions are also offered in wholesale buys. In large quantities, California Tanning lotions are often purchased by tanning salon owners. The indoor tanning has been for so long a booming business in this industry with severely several Americans who wish to get the perfect tanned skin. If you also wish to buy in great quantities, you can check out the websites that offer great buys of California Tanning lotions! Tell your friends about it and celebrate a stress-free tan!

coach He looked very hard before him as he said this

He looked very hard before him as he said this, and his voice was full of deep feeling.
“Grail!” said Ann Veronica, and then: “Oh, yes — of course! Anything but a holy one, I’m afraid.”
“Altogether holy, Ann Veronica. Ah! but you can’t imagine what you are to me and what you mean to me! I suppose there is something mystical and wonderful about all women.”
“There is something mystical and wonderful about all human beings. I don’t see that men need bank it with the women.”
“A man does,” said Manning —“a true man, anyhow. And for me there is only one treasure-house. By Jove! When I think of it I want to leap and shout!”
“It would astonish that man with the barrow.”
“It astonishes me that I don’t,” said Manning, in a tone of intense self-enjoyment.
“I think,” began Ann Veronica, “that you don’t realize —”
He disregarded her entirely. He waved an arm and spoke with a peculiar resonance. “I feel like a giant! I believe now I shall do great things. Gods! what it must be to pour out strong, splendid verse — mighty lines! mighty lines! If I do, Ann Veronica, it will be you. It will be altogether you. I will dedicate my books to you. I will lay them all at your feet.”
He beamed upon her.
“I don’t think you realize,” Ann Veronica began again, “that I am rather a defective human being.”
“I don’t want to,” said Manning. “They say there are spots on the sun. Not for me. It warms me, and lights me, and fills my world with flowers. Why should I peep at it through smoked glass to see things that don’t affect me?” He smiled his delight at his companion.
“I’ve got bad faults.”
He shook his head slowly, smiling mysteriously.
“But perhaps I want to confess them.”
“I grant you absolution.”
“I don’t want absolution. I want to make myself visible to you.”
“I wish I could make you visible to yourself. I don’t believe in the faults. They’re just a joyous softening of the outline — more beautiful than perfection. Like the flaws of an old marble. If you talk of your faults, I shall talk of your splendors.”
“I do want to tell you things, nevertheless.”
“We’ll have, thank God! ten myriad days to tell each other things. When I think of it —”
“But these are things I want to tell you now!”
“I made a little song of it. Let me say it to you. I’ve no name for it yet. Epithalamy might do.
?“Like him who stood on Darien
?I view uncharted sea
?Ten thousand days, ten thousand nights
?Before my Queen and me.
“And that only brings me up to about sixty-five!
?“A glittering wilderness of time
?That to the sunset reaches
?No keel as yet its waves has ploughed
?Or gritted on its beaches.
?“And we will sail that splendor wide,
?From day to day together,
?From isle to isle of happiness
?Through year’s of God’s own weather.”
“Yes,” said his prospective fellow-sailor, “that’s very pretty.” She stopped short, full of things unsaid. Pretty! Ten thousand days, ten thousand nights!
“You shall tell me your faults,” said Manning. “If they matter to you, they matter.”
“It isn’t precisely faults,” said Ann Veronica. “It’s something that bothers me.” Ten thousand! Put that way it seemed so different.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

LV Outlet 5 Pitfalls To Avoid When Planning Your Next Event

5 Pitfalls To Avoid When Planning Your Next Event

When it comes to planning an event, it can be rough. You not only have to worry about all the details that are major, but you have to deal with all the little things. You may find that there are some reoccurring problems that you have when you plan events. Each problem that you run into should teach you some kind of lesson for the next event.

The first thing that you should avoid when it comes to planning your next event is getting overwhelmed with details. If the event is getting bigger and bigger and you've seem to lost control over things, you need to get backup. It's hard to plan an event, especially if it is a very important event. You have to plan where you are going to have the event, the theme, the decorations, the food, the caters, the supplies, and the budget. You need to make sure that you stay within a budget, but get everything done. This is when you need an assistant.

If you don't have an assistant you will have an emotional breakdown and it could ruin the event. Depending on your personality, the breakdown can be crucial. This is way you need an assistant. Don't get overwhelmed with things. When it comes to using an assistant you can leave them the minor things like fetching, fixing, decorating, and all the small details that you should never worry about.

The second pitfall that you need to avoid is the bar and food. If you are going to have a catered dinner or event, you need to make sure that you have a written contact upon hiring. The contract needs to state the money, the food, and basically what you expect from the amount of money that you are paying. Even put the times when they need to show up in the contract or you may end up with irresponsible caters. You need to make sure that the food looks and taste good. You don't want to have people looking at you with disappointment.

The third pitfall to avoid has to deal with contracts. Get a contract written for everything. It can be on a tablecloth, if you must. Just make sure that you have it in writing what you are paying them, why you are paying them, what you expect from them, and the day and times that they need to show up with the goods. If you don't, you will end up having someone come to you saying that they overbooked or they have increased the costs.

The fourth pitfall to avoid is bankruptcy. Make sure that you set a budget for your event. The way to successfully set budget is to set a least and the most amounts. For example, you can pay at least $5,000 for the party, but you can go to $7,000. Then you aim for the average, so you would like to have a $6,000 party. If you set your budget like that you know exactly if you need to cut the corners or if you can expand somewhere on the party. You will also be more successful if you set yourself some limits. You'll be more likely to be under budget.

The fifth and final pitfall to avoid, is relaxing too far in advance. A lot of people will plan an event so far ahead that they think that they can take it easy the day before or even the day of the party or event. You need to realize that when you find extra time to relax, make some phone calls. Make sure that everyone is on the same page so that when the day comes you don't run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. You can take the day of the event with an relaxed pace because you were on top of things the day before.
