Sunday, October 14, 2012

replica rolex watches With so many social media options

With so many social media options ?from Facebook to Twitter to YouTube to LinkedIn ?it抯 no wonder so many companies have a disjointed social media strategy卭r no strategy at all. All their online entities, including their website and blog, are separate from each other. As a result, they may have lots of Twitter followers or Facebook fans, but not as much web traffic and not as many sales as they抎 like. The key is to bring all your online and social media efforts together into one integrated strategy that positively impacts your company抯 bottom line.

For example, your company likely has a website, and you may even have a blog. But is your blog connected to your website? Is all your blog traffic counting as website traffic? If you also have a Twitter account and a Facebook fan page, are your followers and fans able to easily link to your website? If you have how-to or product videos on YouTube, have you created a YouTube channel that also links to your blog/website/Facebook/Twitter and all your other social media accounts? For most companies, the answer is no.

Remember that search engines rank your website in many ways. Part of the equation is how much traffic your website receives as well as the keywords you use. If all those keywords are also in your blog and in your social media posts, why not have everything integrated in one place rather than scattered throughout the internet? If your company is in 20 different places that are not connected, then you抮e losing out on some serious website traffic. It抯 always better to multiply your efforts rather than divide them.

So instead of thinking, 揙ur company has a fan page, someone is monitoring Twitter, we have a website, our marketing person is doing blogs, and our sales manager put some of our sales presentations on SlideShare,?you need to think, 揂ll our online and social media activities are linked together to support our brand so people aren抰 just seeing our fan page or one of our videos on YouTube; they抮e seeing everything we do because it抯 all integrated.?When you adopt an integrated strategy, people will find you easier and your customer base will grow.

Get It Together

Whether you抮e just starting your social media activities or have multiple separate accounts, joining everything together is quite simple. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

Start with your philosophy rather than your technology.

The first step is to acknowledge that you need an integrated strategy that brings everything together. While you may see the value of monitoring Twitter and having a Facebook fan page, imagine how much stronger your brand would be if all your followers and fans could easily find your site without having to search for it. So you want all your social media activities to be integrated with your current website rather than having them off being their own thing.

Keep your brand consistent.

The brand you have on your website and the brand you use in your traditional marketing efforts also needs to be reflected in your social media activities. This includes your logo, tagline, color scheme, and images. For example, both Twitter and YouTube enable you to customize your page抯 background with your logo, contact information, and links to your blog, website, and other social media platforms. Your Facebook fan page can also display your logo and live links. The same goes for many other social media options. Bring elements of your current brand into as many places as possible.

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