Sunday, December 30, 2012

钃濊壊绱綏鍏_Violets Are Blue_091

l-period town houses, nineteenth-century churches, fancy scrolled ironwork and Greek motifs, flowers everywhere,chanel. He admired the famous old houses: Green-Meldrim, Hamilton-Turner, Joe Odom’s first house.
‘It’s beautiful and elegant,’he told his brother.’I could live here.You think we should settle down one day? Would you like that?’ T’m famished. Let’s settle down soon,’ Michael replied with a laugh.’Let’s settle down and feast on the finest that Savannah has to offer.’
William finally parked the van on a street called West Bay, and he and his brother got out and stretched their arms and legs.
Two young girls in Savannah College of Art and Design T-shirts and blue jean cutoffs came strolling up to the van. They had long, shapely legs, butterscotch tans, and seemed not to have a care in the world.
‘Can we give blood here,rolex submariner replica?’ the smaller of the girls asked with a conquering smile. She looked to be around sixteen or seventeen. She had lip studs and wild cherry Jello-dyed hair. ‘Aren’t you the dainty morsel,’ said Michael as he locked eyes with the girl.
‘I’m a lot of things,’ she said, and looked over at her friend, ‘but dainty sure isn’t one of ‘em. Don’t you agree, Caria?’The other girl nodded and rolled her green eyes.
William looked the girls over and thought they could do better in Savannah. These two tramps weren’t worthy of him and Michael. ‘We’re closed for business right now. Sorry.’ He was polite and smiled graciously, even seductively. ‘Maybe a little later, ladies. Why don’t you two come back tonight? How about that?’ The short girl snapped,’You don’t have to get an attitude, We were just making conversation.’
William ran his hand lazily back through his long blond hair. He continued to smile.’Oh, I know that. So was I. Who could blame me for chatting up two beautiful girls like yourselves. Like I said, maybe we’ll see you later tonight. Of course we’ll take your blood for the cause,montblanc ballpoint pen.’ William and Michael decided to take

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