Sunday, January 13, 2013

鏃跺厜涔嬭疆 The Great Hunt_196

for once, but inside. No wonder, looking at this. The thought skittered across the void like a drop of water on a hot griddle. What happened to them?
"Skinned alive," he heard someone behind him say, and the sounds of somebody else retching. He thought it was Mat, but it was all far away from him, inside the void. But that nauseous flickering was in there, too. He thought he might throw up himself.
"Cut them down," Ingtar said harshly. He hesitated a moment, then added, "Bury them. We cannot be sure they were Darkfriends. They could have been taken prisoner. They could have been. Let them know the last embrace of the mother, at least." Men rode forward gingerly with knives; even for battle-hardened Shienarans it was no easy task, cutting down the flayed corpses of men they knew.
"Are you all right, Rand?" Ingtar said. "I am not used to this either."
"I . . . am all right, Ingtar." Rand let the void vanish. He felt less sick without it; his stomach still curdled, but it was better,cheap air max 1. Ingtar nodded and turned his horse so he could watch the men working.
The burial was simple. Two holes dug in the ground, and the bodies laid in as the rest of the Shienarans watched in silence. The grave diggers began shoveling earth into the graves with no more ado.
Rand was shocked, but Loial explained softly. "Shienarans believe we all came from earth, and must return to earth,cheap air max. They never use coffins or shrouds, and the bodies are never clothed. The earth must hold the body. The last embrace of the mother, they call it. And there are never any words except `The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home."' Loial sighed and shook his huge head,link. "I do not think anyone will say them this time. No matter what Ingtar says, Rand, there cannot be much doubt that Changu and Nidao slew the guards at the Dog Gate and let the Darkfriends into the keep. It had to be they who were responsible for all of it."
"Then who shot the arrow at - at the Amyrlin?" Rand swallowed,cheap nike air max 1. Who shot at me

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